Kali Linux

Kali Linux is operating system just like windows.It can be either downloaded to to the computer completely or or you can you use both windows and Kali Linux in the same computer.
Kali Linux is developed using a secure environment with only a small number of trusted people that are allowed to commit packages, with each package being digitally signed by the developer. Kali also has a custom-built kernel that is patched for 802.11 wireless injection. This was primarily added because the development team found they needed to do a lot of wireless assessments.
With Kali Linux you can hack WiFi password you can always stay anonymous and access the black internet without being tracked.
So,in this page I will show how to install Kali Linux and use windows:
1.Firstly download VMware(link at the end)
2.Setup VMware by your system details
3.Now download Kali Linux (link at the end)
That's it for the downloading part.
Now open VMware:
1.Click on create new virtual machine
2 . Typical>Next>Browse
3 .Locate and Click on the Kali Linux package you downloaded
4 .Add>Next>Linux>Next
5.You can change the name to Kali Linux
7.Do 40 in minimum disc size
8.Select "Store Virtual disc on single file"
10.Click customise hardrive
11.Increse to 2gb or 4gb or the more the faster it will work.
12.Click on Finish.
Now you have completed the setup.
Now for using Kali Linux you should set up it in workstation.
This blog is purely for education purpose. I don't take any responsibility for any misuse.
Note:Follow these steps carefully
Now a screen will appear
1.Click "Power on this virtual machine"
2.A Kali Linux screen will appear
3.Click on "Graphical Install"
4.Select Time, location and keyboard.
5.Wait till the next screen appears
6.Put the hostname(anyname eg:poison)
7. Decide and enter a password.
8. Click on continue 4 times
9. Select Yes,then click continue
10. Select continue 2 times.
11. Select option with "/"
12. Click continue
13. Select continue
14. Click enter
15. Enter username and password (if you don't know username put it as root.)
Click here to download Kali Linux
Click here to download VMware
Iam really sorry for keeping this so long but this is the legit way to get Kali Linux.


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